Turkeys, Still

Now that the holidays are over, it may be just “turkey talk” for the next few months. Unless of course we have a replay of Snowmageddon. This was 1/4/17 outside the post office on Main St., Falmouth. … Continue reading

Brrr, Swimming on New Year’s, Old Silver Beach, Falmouth, MA

New Year’s Day run and dunk at Old Silver Beach, to benefit the Cape Cod Center for Women. The runs were great, 3 and 5 miles, perfectly comfortable in shorts and a t-shirt for many of the runners. But then … Continue reading

James and Owen

Our hearts are with the families and friends of these two outstanding young men.  They were the best of the best, and best friends also. Just named co-captains of the champion football team, they truly had everything to live for. … Continue reading

Chanukah at Old Silver

Fourth night of Chanukah at Old Silver, unexpected light when there is none echoing through the ages. Happy Chanukah everyone! … Continue reading

The Falmouth Theatre Guild Presents “White Christmas”

The thespians, set designers and musicians presented Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas” this weekend to a packed and appreciative audience. Kudos to all! … Continue reading