What I Came Across on a Walk

You never know, and since we’ve become a town/state/nation/world of walkers in the past year, I’ve come across a lot of interesting things. This is MASSTC, The Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center, a little-known site on the Mashpee/Falmouth border … Continue reading

Falmouth Colors

Look closely, so many colors! Coincidentally, I maintain a website, falmouthcolors.com, where I post my snaps. Go anytime you want a reminder of how special this place is. There are hundreds of images there, from cranberries and sunsets to lobster … Continue reading

A Good Falmouth Day

The sunshine was irresistible yesterday, and I headed straight for Chappy, just to walk, breathe, look – the best reasons to abandon tax prep! It always amazes me that regardless of how many times I’ve been there, and how many … Continue reading