Storm has mostly died down, although it’s still gusty. This is high tide/full moon at Menauhant, no beach left, and the surf is formidable. Power is still out in some places, and there are live wires down in many places, … Continue reading
I recently found a line of horseshoe carcasses in the wrack line on the beach near Green Pond. Does anyone know why they would have washed up here? … Continue reading
Clouds disappeared, and it was a gorgeous day for a trip to the Vineyard! Another world, yet so close… … Continue reading
If you’re lucky enough to have a boat, or know someone with one, the fishing’s awesome. And if you don’t like fishing, you might like lunching – on the Vineyard! This is at the entrance to Green Pond in Falmouth. … Continue reading
Sandy paths through the dunes beckon. Sing Patti Page’s “Old Cape Cod”, yes, it’s still here, and easy to find in September and October! … Continue reading