So a perfect kite surfing day meant that I was pedaling down hill, but what the heck – that’s why we live on Cape Cod – for those famous breezes! … Continue reading
The Morning Glory and Thunbergia never bloomed this summer, I have no idea why not. But now, on October 15, when frost is in sight, they’re blooming… … Continue reading
I don’t think this is from all the rain we’ve had the last days. I’m guessing the flooding of the bogs for the harvest has begun. These are at the bogs just north of Bourne Farm. … Continue reading
No, I’d not heard of salmon pastrami before either, but it sure was tasty! Another fresh, interesting, pretty, and delicious reason for lunch at The Pickle Jar. … Continue reading
I hope that “late” is better than “never”; here are more moments and vignettes from The West Falmouth Library House Tour on Sept. 30. I was captivated by the grounds at the Harris sisters’ home, and lost track of time … Continue reading