Anyone want to join me in posting holiday photos of Falmouth for the next twelve days? Would be fun to see what everyone is seeing and is inspired by, during this most New Englandy, Cape Coddish season. … Continue reading
Last Sunday I continued my December tradition of helping the West Falmouth Library during the annual house tour. This has been held now for decades; was started when the library was not part of the town or Cape-wide library system, … Continue reading
First night of the eight nights of Hanukkah, last night at the Falmouth Village green. But apparently the DPW didn’t realize last night was the first night, as the candles weren’t on – at least at 4:30 when I was … Continue reading
Open for business: brand new ticket office at The Steamship Authority in Woods Hole. It’s light, bright, and has lots of smiling ticket sellers eager to help you. … Continue reading
A cold, wet day on the ferry to and from the Vineyard – dark, roiling swells, everything gray-green, no horizon or land in the distance. Not the kind of picture you usually see of the Vineyard! … Continue reading