Showing homes Saturday morning, this was what I saw. So lucky to live here!
The reason I’m a loyal ticket holder at the WHFF is to see gems like Dear Zoe, one of last night’s presentations. (Sometimes I joke that seeing festival films is like kissing the proverbial toads before finding the handsome prince – a lot of less-than-admirable films that all seem to need editing, in a quest not to miss the occasional exquisite film.) The story is heart-rending, but it’s less about that than it is a riveting coming-of-age story, told by a brilliant cast. The relationships ring true, although with less skilled actors they could have been cliches. The acting is superb, the sound track refreshingly appropriate and not manipulative – and don’t miss the credits! They’re so imaginative, and so right for this film. Find this film, see it, you won’t be sorry! It is coming out on various video on demand platforms Nov 4th, I hear.
Discovered by the bike path near the bogs…