No Place For Hate

This photo by Joseph Kellendorfer is of a ‪‎rainbow‬ over Falmouth Harbor last Wed evening – a symbol of No Place For Hate in Falmouth‬.

falmouth colors

“Photo of the Year”

This photo of mine will be the “Photo of the Year” for the Upper Cape Camera Club. The judge was Bob Singer, a career photographer and photography competition judge, also Master Juried Photographer with the Cape Cod Art Association. I’m thrilled that of the 174 exhibition winners that were in the running, this one stayed with him.

I wouldn’t have made the same choice. There were several that I thought were exceptionally interesting, beautiful and skilled. Go to the UCCC website to see them. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this.

"Photo of the Year" for the Upper Cape Camera Club.

Memorial Day Weekend Bike Ride

Coolest shot of the most gorgeous Memorial Day weekend! This was along the Shining Sea Bike Path in West Falmouth.

memorial day weekend bike ride

Springtime Heat-Wave!

Who flipped the switch? All of a sudden, it’s summer! Here’s Old Silver Beach, yesterday. Air temp was 84, and the parking lot was still full at 5pm. ‪
