Falmouth Colors: Annual Black Dog Warehouse Sale, 2/27/15

This is a highlight of my winter every year, love this sale! It’s pretty crazy, and I spend way too much, but the bargains are real and the quality is high. I don’t go with specific items in mind, as it’s really just stuff in bins. But at the end of an hour, I leave with lots of authentic Black Dog clothing and accessories at a fraction of the regular price. This is a true warehouse sale!

Black Dog annual warehouse sale

Falmouth Colors: Cape Cod Snow Mountains, 2/26/15

Not the Greens, nor the Adirondacks, nor even the Whites, but the Cape Cod Mountains! Not fun to scale when putting out open house signs, but great for forts and sledding starts.
snow mountains of Cape Cod

Love the reflection! There’s so much to see in this transformed landscape. This is outside my door.

Falmouth Colors: Chicken Soup for the Winter-Weary Soul, 2/24/15

Recently on WCAI, our Cape Cod NPR station, the topic was about ways of coping with this challenging winter. I didn’t hear the whole program, but of what I did hear, no one mentioned putting a bunch of chicken bones in a pot of water and letting it simmer for the afternoon while it become chicken soup.

Best way to spend a gray, chilly day – warms you, the house, and yes, the soul! A winter elixir…

chicken soup