Bad Martha’s Dancers

Don’t these spirited sculptures add so much to what can be an otherwise tedious drive back and forth on #28? I especially like them this time of year, in the wildflower meadow. Thanks to the brewers for adding so much to our town!

Elsie the Hatmaker at Highfield Hall

Designer Rita Pacheco has put together an exhibit rich in visual delight and telling a charming story as well. Decades ago, Elsie operated her millinery business, designing and selling hats, from her front parlor in her New Bedford home. After the Church stopped requiring women to wear hats to services and demand slowed, Elsie pivoted to making beautiful brides, attendants and families. Rita also created vignettes that paired Elsie’s hats with work in the juried quilt show, “Edges”. This exhibit is the story of a woman who was ahead of her time, creating a successful business that thrived over many years and cultural and fashion changes. Come see this inspiring exhibit – but do it soon, as it closes tomorrow, Saturday, at 1:00!