The Precious Vial

Despite never living more than 75 miles from Gillette Stadium, I’d never been there before today, and was a little intimidated. But the site couldn’t have been more friendly or relaxed. Daily emails confirmed my appt., and told me how to prepare. Signage was great, and everyone stays in car until 10 minutes before appointed time. Parking is near the entrance. Sign in is easy, wait is easy, leaving is easy. Getting this shot today ranks just behind the birth of the kids and grands. So thankful!

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Skating on the Bog

Winter’s here, and so is skating on the bog. This is just north of Bourne Farm. Wonderful way to enjoy a brisk but sunny January afternoon!

Passenger Seat Blues

Pre-pandemic, my car was always immaculate, as I drove buyers to our showing appointments. Not now, though. We go in a small caravan of two cars. Apparently my passenger seat has suffered. I had to laugh today when I looked at it and saw face masks, leftover lunch, my Yeti, mail, a paper towel roll which i use instead of gloves, etc. Oh my!

The Beach During Covid

Still the place to go to, to walk, run, skip stones, play with the dogs, have a picnic, look for shells, breathe easy…

A Quiet Moment at Black Beach