Wind and Waves, First Day of Fall, Falmouth

Vineyard Sound was energetic! What a spectacular day at the beach along Menauhant Rd!

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Peaceful Ponds of Falmouth

People are so in love with our miles of coastline and beautiful ocean beaches, they sometimes don’t even know about our ponds. This one, Bourne’s Pond, was definitely the place to be on a gorgeous, warm Sept afternoon!

Thrilled and Honored!

I’m thrilled and honored to have one of my photos from Cuba win the second place award in the Orleans Camera photo contest on Saturday. The judge was Marty Hassell. Her comment about this was, “Needless to say, the light of it is what sold it.” I’m so honored to have this image be acknowledged, and wanted to share with you. It was a beautiful memory of my first morning in Havana!

If you’re one of my past buyers, you have another image of mine. If you’re a future client, one day you’ll have one, too!

Thank you for the appreciation you all so generously share with me! Finding images is my passion, sharing them with you is my joy.

Sunset over Bourne’s Pond, 9/5/19

It must have been like an inferno on the west side, if it looked like this on the east side!