The Coffee O Bulletin Board

What’s the $5 bill doing there? Do you think it was an experiment to see how long it would last?

Menauhant Fourth

May we always be “ the land of the free, and the home of the brave”. Appreciating small town America, here, there, and everywhere you are!

At the new Heald ALS home

Every detail is thoughtful in this lovely new residence for ALS patients and their loved ones. Many hearts and hands came together to create this haven.

Arts Alive!

The dancers from Troupe Mirage were mesmerizing last weekend as they performed traditional Mid-Eastern dances at the Falmouth Arts Alive Festival.

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The Cupola Garden

The volunteers from the Falmouth Garden Club have done a great job with this garden by the Mullen-Hall School. Take a moment to appreciate it – it’s lovely!