Sunset 8/23/17, Chappy Beach

I was on my bike, pedaling like mad to catch this. … Continue reading

A Falmouth Road Race Story

Hard fought Falmouth Road Race 2017! Listen to the announcer (and is that the Hoyt dad and son on the screen?). And here they are at the finish. Looks like Sambu is capturing a historic fourth consecutive win. … Continue reading

At the Matouk Factory Outlet in Fall River

Saw this stunning flag yesterday at the Matouk Factory Outlet in Fall River. They make and source luxury linens. This was made and signed by Lulu, who works there. (I wonder if the US is her adopted country.) She’s created … Continue reading

Unretouched Hydrangeas

After last year, when a late frost nipped the buds and we had NO blooms, this year’s extravagance is especially stunning. These are at the front door of my listing at 31 Narragansett, which happens to be one of the … Continue reading

The Woods Hole Film Festival

Tonight was the world premiere of the slasher film “Off Season”. The audience seemed to be mostly cast, crew and their families and friends, because every time my eyes were shut tight when the suspense was high, everyone around me … Continue reading