I found the cityscape more interesting than the landscape at The High Line. Here are some of the shapes, textures, colors, contrasts and reflections that captivated me. After the visual feasting, lunch at Inday was an actual feast. The … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Nadine Krasnow realtor
I finally got to the High Line last week, and loved the impact of the color and texture of this Gay Pride flag against the colors and textures of the old and new buildings. … Continue reading
Noticed this new face along the bike path today. Made me smile! That’s the thing about the bike path – it has such good karma. … Continue reading
One of the joys of the bike path this week is the profusion of wild honeysuckle roses growing and climbing everywhere. Sweet aroma, but don’t get near – the thorns are vicious and as prolific as the vine! Just look … Continue reading
One of the new water fountains installed by Falmouth Water Stewards to reduce single-use plastic water bottles. This one’s at Bourne Farm. There’s water for our four-legged friends, too. … Continue reading