61 degrees on sunny Cape Cod!

Get out the t-shirts and shorts, lunch at the beach! (Even if this is the calm before the next storm.) … Continue reading

First Home!

All buyer closings are exciting, as people embark on what they hope will be a wonderful new time in their lives. But maybe the first one is just a bit more special, just because it’s the first. Here are the … Continue reading

Four Degrees, North Falmouth

Yes, it’s 4 degrees this morning in North Falmouth. But sunny, so a bit deceiving until you’re out there. Work continues steady, kind of makes the cold irrelevant. I never thought of this when I thought about the benefits of … Continue reading

Winter Shadows

Not VT., but outside my window in North Falmouth. Long shadows cast by winter sun. … Continue reading

Favorite Frigid Temps Strategy

During the memorable winter of 2015, I developed a few key ways to cope with the cold and snow that seemed endless, and one was to make some kind of soup every day. This was a quickie I put together … Continue reading